Lexington Carriage Company
Discover Lexington with the relaxing rhythm of hoofbeats – learn about our unique history and lore via horse-drawn carriage! This 45 minute narrated tour takes passengers through the historic downtown, residential areas and by the Oak Grove Cemetery.
Tours run April 1 - October 31 and are weather permitting.
– Wed-Sun 11am-3:30pm (last tour departs between 3:30 and 4)
– Extended Summer Hours 10am-4pm (June 15-Aug 15)
Groups Welcome, Pets Welcome, Wedding Venue.
Isn't it every young woman's dream to have a fairy tale wedding? Arriving in grand style in a horse-drawn carriage at her wedding and reception is the perfect way to make the fairy tale come true!
Corner of Varner Ln. & Washington St.
Lexington, Va 24450
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